
JOURNEY TO FOUNDATION (Archiact): VR sci-fi game

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In brief

Journey to Foundation is a VR sci-fi narrative game based on literary Isaac Asimov's saga.
Developed by Archiact and released in 2023 on Meta Quest, PS5 and PICO.
More information about the game here.

My tasks: Speech design

As an Interactive Speech Audio Designer I was supervising VO recording sessions, editing and processing speech, checking if it matches the ambience and the purpose of a conversation, and implementing it into Wwise and Unreal Engine.

My role was linking the narrative and the audio team, making sure the needs of both were met. I was using the speech pipeline and the narrative tools on daily basis, and helping solving issues on both ends.

My tasks: Sound design

I worked on sound design and assets implementation for animations and interactive elements, such as conversation UI (conversation choices), footsteps, body movements, flying objects (ships) and cinematic moments.

I was working alongside the engineers and designers to make sure not only that the audio is implemented in correct way, but also that it was a crucial element for the immersiveness and interaction.


Software and tools used

Audiokinetic Wwise
Unreal Engine
Plastic SCM (Unity Version Control)

Short video presenting my work

Few words from audio team and me about building soundscapes
